Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves
St. Louis metropolitan area
(Granite City, Illinois)
Small Victories
Daniel and Angela Michael

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Update: As of 12/14/00, Dr. Dennis Hurford has apparently taken over as interim chief for the OB/GYN department at St. Elizabeth's. Abortionist Shah remains on staff and still has the same perks and privileges. For further details, click here.


Various reports have been published in the last few days claiming that abortionist Yogendra Shah has been removed from his position as head of OB/GYN at St. Elizabeth's Catholic hospital in Granite City. Angela Michael sets the record straight:

As of December 10th, 2000, at 6 p.m., abortionist Yogendra Shah is still gainfully employed as chief of staff of obstetrics and gynecology at St. Elizabeth's Catholic Hospital. There has not and never has been any change at this hospital.

This is a hoax, purposely planted by the Catholic hospital to "call the dogs off", because of heavy pressure from the outside world. So far, the hospital is being very successful. They're shameless.

We need to apply the pressure even more now at this time. Keep the pressure up saints! Call the hospital and show them the light: 618-798-3171 ext 3013, and Priests for Life at 718-980-4400, and Bishop George Lucas in Springfield Diocese at 217-698-8500. Give them a little bit of heaven.

This abortionist Shah has been on staff at this Catholic hospital for 22 years. Yogendra Shah has been Chief of Staff of OB/GYN at St. Elizabeth's for 8 years. He murders babies 50 feet across the street from St. Elizabeth's at the Hope(less) abortion mill. He owns the abortion mill. He has 2-3 junior abortionists assisting him. They have murdered over 140, 000 baby girls and boys. They operate 6 days a week--7 am -7pm. Every other Thursday, they are open 7am -12 midnight. Late term abortions are done on Fridays, Saturdays, and Thursday evenings. Financial aid is available to the abortion-minded mothers if they can't afford to pay the full fee. This is funded through NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

The bishops, pharisees, and scribes only come to pray outside the abortion clinic once a YEAR in October and that's over at the hospital--they don't address our concerns or needs and we are there 3 or 4 times a week. Our family van has been turned into a mobile pregnancy care center, due to the fact that Pac-Van (pregnancy care), (which is operated by the Catholic hospital, and sits behind the abortion mill) is never open--even though times are posted to the contrary. We keep pregnancy tests, ultrasound videos, resource numbers, bibles in check. Inconvenient, frustrating, but it works. Keep praying for us to keep up with the supply/demand part--I know God will provide. After all, this isn't my war--it's God's war.

Update on Nov. 18th attack of 2 pro-lifers at Hopeless mill:
The mother (Jacquelyn) who Daniel and Arielle (10 year old) took the blows for, is putting her baby up for adoption through Small Victories. She is due in 2 months. We have been able to help 63 women at this mill since January 2000, and 15 mothers/mother-to-be locally.

The deathscorts at the mill are become younger and more volatile--they are young feminists from Washington University in St. Louis. We had 40 saints praying and sharing the gospel at the mill this past Saturday. The weather was frigid. We were able to turn one mother from the abortion mill, and she left with her baby still ALIVE! I am so grateful for all the valiant and courageous efforts made in standing for Jesus and his innocent children. Thank you to those warriors who pray for our daily protection, and hold us up in prayer (however--my viking helmet and the hardhats are a humorous plus).

There is no victory here. Everything is status quo; "and my people love it this way". They have given Christians reason to rejoice, when there is no reason.

Keep shining for Jesus!

In Christ,
Angela Michael :o)
(Small Victories)

Pro-Life Infonet report on Abortionist Shah
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