Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves

Cal and Trish Zastrow and family

Saginaw, Michigan

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Voice For Life
is a ministry of
LifeSavers Ministries

July 14-21

Cal Zastrow - C.P. national field director

What would you think of a man who baptizes children after he butchers them by surgical abortion? Abortionist George Tiller proudly commits such "ministry" at his abortion mill in Wichita, Kansas. My family and I have just returned home from a wonderful week of peaceful pro-life ministry with Operation Save America. Many babies were saved. Tragically, some were killed.

The stench of burning flesh was pungent. As the children were burning in the fire, as their innocent blood was screaming to God for vengeance... I sobbed. I still recall that smell when I close my eyes at night.

In 1992, the mayor of Buffalo, New York boldly denounced abortion and invited Operation Rescue National to come and peacefully shut down the killing centers in his city. Four murder camps are closed down there now and the numbers of abortions have steadily decreased. Off-duty police officers came and stood with us to pray and protest against murder. In 2001, the Republican mayor of Wichita, Bob Knight, did everything that he could to dissuade Christians from coming to his city to stop the shedding of innocent blood. Oh, he claims to be pro-life, but is more than comfortable in protecting one of the world's most notorious late-term abortionists.

Cal in Wichita
Cal outside Tiller's Wichita killing center

Not one elected Kansas Republican spoke in favor of peaceful ministry on the streets in front of this death camp. No, they tried to deny us parade permits and to intimidate local pastors from leading their people in prayer on the sidewalks. The rest of the Republican response to abortion was best typified by Republican John Ashcroft and Republican President Bush sending in the B.A.T.F. and the U.S. Marshals to defend child killing. (I'm sure that the F.B.I. was there too, but they weren't wearing vests containing big guns like the Marshals were.) In fact, Republican John Ashcroft's department of Justice filed a brief in federal court trying to deny peaceful Christians our freedom of speech and assembly. This is the Republican "pro-life" response to murder by abortion.

On the other hand, dozens of Constitution Party members including myself were welcomed to come and stand against abortion by Cedric Boehr and the Constitution Party of Kansas. I watched one aggressive police officer lie about Mrs. Sandy Boehr and give her a citation for blocking the street when she wasn't doing it. I watched many Constitution Party members praying and singing and peacefully calling on God to intervene and shut down this Dachau on the Plains.

While holding a sign and praying on the afternoon of Friday, the 20th, I heard a sound like a generator start up inside the building. Tiller had turned on his incinerator. Clouds of smoke and ash billowed up and over the city. Gusts of wind blew it all over me. The stench of burning flesh was pungent. As the children were burning in the fire, as their innocent blood was screaming to God for vengeance, as my hair and clothes were smelling of that horrid smell, I sobbed. Those of us on the north side of the building breathing the ashes of children were sickened at this unspeakable abomination. I still recall that smell when I close my eyes at night. My mind keeps flashing back the smoke and ashes, lots of smoke and lots of ashes.

This is the Republican Party response to slaughter - protect the abortionists but not the babies or their mothers. I'm repeating now, not one elected Republican stood in prayer with us on the streets. Not one came out to sidewalk counsel and offer help to needy mothers at the last minute. Both Operation Save America and the Constitution Party stand (not just talk) against abortion - peacefully. God will stop this blasphemous shedding of innocent blood.

Either He will burn our nation like Sodom or His people will stand in the gap against murder until it stops. The Constitution Party refuses to allow this nation to further sink into barbarism without speaking the truth and acting upon it. We invite pro-life people to see the truth and switch from the pro-abortion Republican Party to the only national pro-life political party in America, the Constitution Party. The switch can be from promoting death to promoting life.

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