Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves

Appleton, Wisconsin

Mark Gabriel

Missionary to the Preborn


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Voice For Life
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LifeSavers Ministries

April Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus [on the cross], when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!" Matthew 27:54

City Council Election Results
In our spring election on April 3rd, I lost my bid for city Alderman. I received 33% of the vote. Three days before the election, the newspaper printed an article titled, "Abortion Foe Will Continue Mission if Elected." I told the reporter, I had no intentions of leaving my prolife ministry, if I was elected. After the first two articles they wrote about me, listing my "criminal" record, this one was an improvement. They mentioned that Planned Parenthood was behind an article circulated in one neighborhood, attempting to brand me as a lunatic who, "pickets family planning clinics around Dallas five days a week, waving a picture of a fetus and preaching to pregnant women." The article came from the Village Voice, a liberal New York City paper, dated 2/11/97. My sidewalk counseling journal on Operation Rescue National's computer, was seized, along with the rest of the office equipment, when Planned Parenthood won a civil lawsuit, claiming that they lost revenue from their child killing business, after a prolife event sponsored by ORN. The journal was given to the Village Voice. The timing of that seizure came right after we got back from another event in New Orleans that was incredibly successful. All the abortion mills in the city stopped killing for the entire week, and it was the first week in a year, the city was free of murders of any type. The article had a label on it stating that I was running for Alderman and instructing people to vote for the other candidate. A letter to the editor appeared about the same time stating, "Gabriel is well known in many cities across the country for his extremist tactics which includes... grabbing and yelling at citizens to make them listen to him, following people on foot and in cars... We don't need an alderman that operates on the fringes of the law..." In my letter to the editor, as a response, I wrote: "Tanya Misselt [who I've never met] is begging for a libel lawsuit by writing false and misleading accusations against myself and others... Her information is likely coming from Planned Parenthood, which commits and promotes more abortions than any other organization in America... some 30 cars a day, twice a week, drive into their parking lot... charging $425 for abortions, you can figure out the kind of money they make off the blood of innocent children." I also got to speak briefly against abortion on a radio talk show that featured three candidates. I was encouraged by a few residents that voiced strong support for my Christian convictions. By election time, I was more disappointed that my Christian friend, Randy Hamby, lost his bid for Alderman by 11 votes. The Mayor, a Republican who tends toward taxing and spending, wrote a letter endorsing his opponent, a young single woman, claiming that she would best serve them. What is more truthful is that she will go along with his programs more than Randy would. At any rate, Randy and I are both glad that we put forth the effort, glad that we learned more about running a campaign and the political process, and glad that we could speak out on important topics.

Abortion Mills Closing Down
I have recently heard of 4 abortion mills closing down, praise God! The old, "A Choice For Women," abortuary in Dallas recently closed. This was the killing center that Operation Rescue National had their offices next to for a year. That was the mill that Norma McCorvey ("Roe"), and many others, were saved out of. The abortionist tried to make all his workers sign contracts to promise they wouldn't talk to us. An abortion mill I visited last year in Fargo, North Dakota, has closed! There is only one mill in the state now. Pastor Mike Warren in Rochester, New York, informs me that The Genesee Hospital there, which houses two abortuaries, announced plans to close this July! The announcement came two years from the date of Operation Save America's national event there (see newsletter of 5/11/99). Though good to have Christians come from around the country for a few days, it was a small group of local Believers that made the difference. Christians have been picketing that hospital for the last 15 years. Jerry Crawford picketed every day for seven years. Local and State officials, as well as a federal judge, have repeatedly harassed and threatened the two local leaders, Mike and Jerry. Pray for them as they await the federal appeals court decision for witnessing for life in public. They returned to the sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood at the end of a temporary restraining order, only to find out that the Judge didn't want it to be so temporary.

Ministry at PP-Appleton North Child Killing Center
Since my last newsletter, I have been at my post by the driveway of this death camp, 19 out of the last 20 days they scheduled to kill. The day I missed was Lobby for Life day in Madison, when we met with our State Representatives and Senators on upcoming legislation. Randy and I spent 45 minutes with my representative, and explained why there should be no exceptions for abortion. Planned Parenthood is averaging 31 customers entering per day they kill, 17 out of the last 22 days. Last Thursday, 4/12, only 24 women went in, the lowest in months. About 3-6 people will take literature each day. I have been using the large picture signs spread out across two blocks. I no longer have the snow to hold them in place, so I find creative ways to display them. I have agreed to not show the aborted baby picture signs one day per month to remove the excuse many use for not coming out. On 4/18, a van drove in with a bumper sticker, "Jesus loves us." I told the woman, "Jesus loves your baby too, and doesn't want it torn apart by a suction hose." They did not return the next day for an abortion. A couple from India, told us they had come for an abortion. A prolife woman offered to adopt their baby. I gave the father the literature and told them of the help available. They went in anyway, but when they came out, they told me, "We are not going to do that... we are keeping our baby." The young mother took a packet with the Pregnancy Center's number, for baby items. On 4/19, a very young teen couple returned for an abortion, driven by an adult. At the fence, I showed them the aborted baby and reminded the girl that she didn't have to let this happen. They left before the abortion and stopped in the driveway on the way out to take literature and allow me to explain the help that is available. The girl is scared and confused. Please pray that she would get to a Christian Pregnancy Center, and for the Lord to protect her and her baby.

Video Project For Pastors
I had my first meeting with the Pastor of Covenant Christian Reformed Church, Ed Laarman, on 4/10. I first met Ed, when he came out to pray at the abortion mill about two years ago. I ran into him at his Church while campaigning and set up the meeting. He seemed moved by the pictures and stories of lives saved from abortion. He prayed for me and this ministry. He agreed to lead a service out at the mill on May 3, at 12 noon. Come if you can, and please pray for these meetings and these Pastors.

Street Ministry and Preaching Opportunities
On February 23, Christians gathered in the small town of Juneau, Wisconsin. We distributed a letter house to house, written by Pastor Ralph Ovadal, to inform residents of a strip joint in their town square and the harmful effects it brings, destroying minds, families and souls. He explained how they could get rid of the place and offered the services of the Family Association Law Center, at no charge to them. That evening, we preached against lust and sexual immorality and urged all to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. About 30 of us were present, holding signs, passing out gospel tracts, talking to people on the street, and taking turns preaching. It was a great experience and privilege to proclaim God's word and talk to people about their need for Jesus. Most of those we met were determined to live in sin and mock God's standard of righteousness, yet we were obedient to the great commission that night (Matthew 28:19), and prayed that some seed would find good soil. Street preacher, Gerald Sutek, came to Appleton on April 6 and 7. He, his wife Robin, and their little adopted girl, travel full time, ministering and proclaiming God's Law and gospel in public. I invited Gerald to speak to Christian friends I had invited to our Church facility. Afterward we went downtown to minister on College Avenue. We held signs, passed out tracts and took turns preaching. One young couple stuck around talking with us for about an hour. Some stood and listened to the preaching from across the street. Most took tracts that we handed out. The second night, a group of young people prayed with us to surrender their lives to Christ. Please pray for Carlin, Damen, John, Anthony, and Tom. Pray for brother Lloyd Camp and myself to follow up with them and for our future evangelistic efforts downtown. We plan to meet with the police chief soon.

Middle School and High School Outreaches
Once again, I am going out to distribute gospel tracts and prolife literature to students before and after school. On March 29, seven of us went to Wilson Middle school. Some of the literature contained photos of aborted babies. We explained that the photos show what abortion really is and that many people don't want them to know the truth. Their response to what we handed out, was very good. Some came up to me asking for one piece of each type of literature I had. Only one boy tried to defend abortion. One student's mother thanked me that we came. At Appleton West High School, we faced much more opposition. Some were very polite, but a few were very angry. When I saw a group of them coming toward me, I began to pray. They didn't like the quote from Margaret Sanger on the flyer, "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." I explained that the founder of Planned Parenthood was racist. She advocated birth control and abortion to eliminate "human weeds." The flyer had much evidence for her eugenic views. Two victims of abortion were also shown. They tried to twist it around to say that we were racist. I apologized to them for assuming they would be more intelligent than that. They reminded me of the people who tried to trap Jesus and schemed against Him, because they didn’t like His message. That afternoon three of us returned. I held the large sign of the LIFE baby across the street from the main exit doors. One Christian girl came up very excited and said, "It’s so cool that you guys are here. Thanks for doing this." We didn’t get much interaction with the students until I began to proclaim God’s word, "I’ve set before you LIFE and DEATH, BLESSINGS and CURSES, therefore choose LIFE that you and your children may live," Deuteronomy 30:19 (emphasis mine). When I said, "LIFE," or "BLESSINGS," I would show the Life Baby. When I said, "DEATH," or "CURSES," I flipped the sign around to show an aborted baby. A small crowd gathered around me, most of whom wanted to debate and argue. We discussed many things, even the reasons for the reliability of the bible and why they are not barn yard animals, that they can exercise self control to save sex for marriage. My goal is to visit at least three more middle schools and three high schools, before school ends. Please pray for these efforts.

Upcoming Events
June 4-16 Missionaries to the Preborn, Head West Tour
June 9 Constitution Party of Wisconsin State Convention
June 17 Heterosexual Family Pride Day in Regina, Saskatchewan
June 21-23 Christian Truth Activists Saskatchewan Tour - Regina, Saskatoon, Battleford
July 15-21 Operation Save America, Wichita, Kansas
July 23-August 3 Missionaries to the Preborn Wisconsin Tour

I’m not sure that I will be able to do all of the above. It has been necessary for me to jump at any paid labor opportunities to meet some personal expenses. I plan to work for my two landscaper friends here and there, as in past seasons. Thank you for your prayers and gifts that enable me to be a part of these special prolife activities. I hope to write on them in future letters.

Finally, please remember Dan Holman in your prayers. He was sentenced to 7 months in a Milwaukee Jail, for warning a deathscort for Planned Parenthood, by name, that he would burn in hell if he didn’t repent. He had been given a no contact order by the court, but he was standing across the street from him with many others around. God has used this for good, however. A baby has been saved and Dan has led men to the Lord in jail. You can write him and send him tracts to hand out in jail, or good reading material:

Daniel E. Holman
Dorm L6, Bed 8
House of Correction
8885 South 68th Street
Franklin, WI 53132

Your brother for Life,
Mark Gabriel

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