Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves
Life and Liberty Ministries

Face the Truth Tour


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Voice For Life
is a ministry of
LifeSavers Ministries

If we lived during the days when men bought and sold other men and our abhorrence of slavery was equal to our hatred of child sacrifice, surely the practice would still be commonplace and the voice of opposition would be inaudible. Oh, that we had more men with fiery spirits to wage war against the evil strongholds of our day.

This summer, we have committed 5 days to a major offensive on behalf of the preborn. Their freedom has been trampled on. The most basic right - the right to life - has been denied them. Beginning on July 2nd, we will invade the domain of the complacent and apathetic, trusting our Heavenly Father to rouse their hearts on behalf of the preborn.

When someone is suffering gross injustice, we have a duty and an obligation to act on their behalf.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once said, "Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself."

Isn't it time to start acting on what we say we believe? If abortion is murder, why do we not act like it is? The `glib' excuses we give for our inactivity are a booming witness against our Christian testimony and a hearty vote in favor of child sacrifice.

If you would like to `speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves' and demonstrate love to your preborn neighbor in a very practical way, then join us on this short-term mission. You will only need about $100.00 for the whole Tour, as we travel light, staying in churches and homes.

If you are interested in traveling with this Tour, it is imperative that you fill out and return our response form!


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