Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves
Rose Mary Leon

Cherish And Respect Everyone (CARE)

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Voice For Life
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LifeSavers Ministries




Congratulations to CARE sidewalk counselor Cheryl and her husband, Jamie, on the birth of their daughter Hannah on 12/15/2000. Hannah is their first-born..  Both mother and baby are healthy and well.  We are very happy for Cheryl and her husband, Jamie.  Because Cheryl and Jamie have shown concern for other families by participating in the CARE ministry, God has rewarded them with a family of their own.  Soon, God willing, Cheryl will be back on the sidewalk with me, and she plans to bring Hannah with her.




The year 2000 was my first full calendar year as a sidewalk counselor.  I am grateful for all the blessings that God has poured out on this ministry.  I am grateful for all the supporters who have rallied around me with your prayers, your finances and other resources.  And I am grateful for those who have come alongside me to counsel abortion-bound women on the street.  In particular, I am grateful for:

·        Lucy, my mentor.  She has been such an inspiration and a wonderful example.

·        For all the others who have encouraged me or mentored me.

·        CARE volunteer Debbie, who has faithfully come alongside me once a month for the entire year.  Debbie has seen several women change their mind and choose life after she counseled them.

·        For all who have volunteered in some way, including Evelyn, Cheryl, Dennis, Kim, Stephanie, Rebecca, Susan, Paul and Leigh.

·        For all who have prayed for us.  The lives that were spared are an answer to your prayers.

·        The many people who have been generous with their finances and resources.  [You know who you are.] Because of your generosity, I was able to:

o       Work part-time and devote more time to CARE.

o       Buy literature to hand out at the abortion centers.

o       Help CARE families with necessities, such as food, clothing, diapers, rent, utilities and transportation.

o       See dozens of abortion-bound moms change their minds and choose life for their babies.

·         My new affiliation with American Mission Association, which has appointed me as one of their independent missionaries..


My dear friends, I have a dream.  I want to see the day when every human life is embraced and cherished from conception to natural death.  By God’s grace, CARE is in a position to do something about it.  We intend to:


1.      Reach out to abortion-bound women through sidewalk counseling, in order to see lives spared, one at a time.

2.      Conduct research and find out where the sidewalk counseling opportunities are.  Publicize these opportunities.

3.      Provide material assistance to needy CARE families, and refer CARE clients to other local agencies, such as crisis pregnancy centers.

4.      Reach out to the community and inspire others to do sidewalk counseling.

5.      Provide mentoring for new sidewalk counselors.

6.      Recruit prayer warriors to intercede on behalf of our efforts.

7.      Raise the funds needed to accomplish these goals..




In order to fulfill the vision, CARE will be putting on special events.  Mark your calendars for these events:


BENEFIT CONCERT:  January 27, 2001, 7:30 p.m., at Christ Community Church, 7911 Winnetka Avenue, Winnetka Avenue, Susan Shandroff, a Christian/Messianic singer, songwriter and guitarist, will be performing a benefit concert for CARE.  Admission will be free, but we will be taking a love offering for the ministry.  Please help us make this event a success by inviting people to the concert.  We want to see a nice turnout.  A flyer is available here.


SEMINAR:  “How to Legally and Peacefully Save Unborn Children through Intercessory Prayer and Sidewalk Counseling,” March 17, 2001, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., with workshop to follow, at Christ Community Church, 7911 Winnetka Avenue, Winnetka, CA.  A flyer will be included in a future mailing.  Again, we really want to see a nice turnout, so please come to the seminar and invite others.  The seminar will be advertised in the Christian Times and on the Internet at




Last month, we saw eight lives spared.  Here are some of the stories.


An anointed baby:  A couple changed their mind and chose life after seeing “Carol” sit down in the abortion center’s lobby and nurse her baby.  Upon hearing about this victory, Carol kissed her baby and said to the baby, “You are an anointed baby.”   Carol told me that she was accompanying a friend for a non-abortion procedure, and that an abortion worker asked her leave the lobby because of the baby.


Go to breakfast, save a baby:  Sheena left the clinic without aborting her baby, but stated that she was still considering it.  I gave her my card and told her to call me if I could be of any assistance.  Sheena did call.  I met her for breakfast and listened to her problems.  Then I pointed out that an abortion would not solve any of her problems.  I encouraged her to choose life.  I asked her:  “If you take a life made in God’s image and uniquely imbued with special gifts, and you throw it in the trash, what does that say to God?”  After a long, silent pause, Sheena said that she could not go through with an abortion.  She left that breakfast happy and confident about her decision to have this baby, her fifth.

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