Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves
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God uses pro-life ministries to save babies' lives

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Voice For Life
is a ministry of
LifeSavers Ministries

For recent reports of babies saved from abortion, see the Voice For Life home page.

Special report:
Nebraska abortionist faces eviction

Notorious abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who championed partial birth abortion before the U.S. Supreme Court, has been spending a great deal of time in court lately. Last May, a pro-life partnership bought the building which houses Carhart's "Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska," in Bellevue, near Omaha.

Immediately after the building was purchased, the new owners served Carhart with an eviction notice. Carhart challenged the eviction in court, spawning three separate court cases.

Last September, Carhart lost a case related to the eviction. He has appealed the ruling to the Nebraska Court of Appeals, with a hearing expected in a few months.

A jury trial is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, April 11, to decide whether the new owners followed proper procedures to kick him out.

This page will document news reports about this case, and other reports relevant to abortionist Carhart. (Some breaking stories we haven't posted here yet should be on the news feed on our main news page.)

We also hope to provide you a perspective on this case from some of the pro-life missionaries who minister to women in the Omaha, Nebraska, area. (If you are one of these missionaries, please send us a message.)

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