Voice For Life: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves
Every day throughout our nation,
God uses pro-life ministries to save babies' lives

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Voice For Life
is a ministry of
LifeSavers Ministries

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Here's an example of a typical Voice For Life radio program:

Last Tuesday in Bakersfield, California, a 31-year old woman was brought by a Kern County Sheriff's Deputy to the local abortion chamber for an abortion. Terri Palmquist, a sidewalk counselor with LifeSavers Ministries, called out to the prisoner:

"you don't have to abort your baby today, please call us collect and we'll help you!"

Soon, the prisoner and the Deputy left. As they got into the squad car, the Deputy told Terri, "it looks like you saved a life today." The next day, the prisoner called Terri collect and thanked her for her help, explaining that she had been talked into the abortion by the jail staff. She also asked for help paying for mandatory drug tests she would need after she was released in order to stay out of jail, and LifeSavers Ministries contacted local churches to arrange for the assistance. She is now at home with her 18-month old baby, and her preborn baby, still alive and well.

If you would like to learn how you can get involved in your own local area in saving babies, one heart at a time, call Voice For Life at (866) 949-BABY, or visit the Voice For Life website at

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